"To avoid any problems I kept a gun in my house."

Well at first it was supposed to be for a drug charge and ahh they came in the house saying that I had drugs in the house but I didn't have no drugs in the house, I had a gun in the house. So to avoid for them tearing up my house I told them I had a gun in the house, they kept asking me where the drugs at where the drugs at, I told them there was no drugs in the house. Because I had kids and everything in the house. So they said well ok you got the gun next thing you know they said well come on we're going downtown. I got downtown they told me it was a felony then they dropped it down to a misdemeanor, then they bounced it back up to a felony because I got arrested last year or two years ago, for umm they say drug possession but I didn't have no drugs then. They took my bike, took my ten dollars and my ten dollar piece. And the case ran on for almost a year and six months. So they said they was bringing that back because they didn't get no charge on that. So they said they were making that a felony. So now I'm back at court. They gonna give me probation for five years.
The area I live in is drug infested. So to avoid any problems I kept a gun in my house. You know I got kids, grand kids, my wife, you know, so forth and so forth. I believe a girl snitched on me saying that I had drugs in my house but there were no drugs at all. They didn't find no drugs so there was no case at all really but the gun charge. So that was it. Also they wanna give me five years probation and I go see probation once a month and thats it plus I gotta pay my lawyer ten thousand dollars. ha ha ha ha ha ha........


"I can't wear pumps in jail."

I'm from Newark, New Jersey and my case is from 1996, a weapons possession charge. They didn't have proper cause to search me thats why I don't have to come back for next court date unless my attorney tell me to and then there gonna seal the case. I was in at Macys as with my sister she was boosting, stealing and as she was leaving at the store they the alarm went off for me but once they noticed I didn't have any merchandise they were supposed to release me and in the process they found a weapon, a gun. A 25. A little gun. A broken gun at that. And it didn't have no bullets in it or anything. There was nothing I could do with it because it was broken. And they found it in my bag. It was wrapped up in like a beanie hat, it had like um Minnie Mouse on that little hat and by prying and prying in the bag they found it. So they didn't really have proper cause to search me that's why my attorney said they're gonna throw it out and um seal it like off my record. I told them the person that stole it left out the store and when they saw they looked in my pocket book and once they saw that they had nothing in me they were supposed to let me go but they didn't. They kept prying. I'm a good girl. I like to look beautiful and dress and shop and eat. Not go to jail. You got to wear certain colors in jail, beige, orange. Those not my colors. I can't wear pumps in jail.


"I stopped doing what I was doing when she couldn't breathe."

Domestic dispute. Early in the morning. She's making noise two thirty, three in the morning. I have to get up five to go to work at Port Chester. She seemed like she didn't care so I came in the bathroom and I go what's your problem. I don't know, she's a night person and I get up. When I'm sleeping she's up around the house making noise. So before I did this me and her spoke about it. So her attitude is she really don't care. So she started getting a little more sassier, so my fingers is poking at her head, so then I get the hair grease on the other side of my hand, so the left hand was free so I went around her neck with it. So I ain't stop until you know I heard, "eh heh eh" (indicating choking sound). I didn't want to get charged for murder. So when it came time for me to black out this is what happens when people black out. They get arrested. Cause I have a new son and I want to be in his life. I stopped doing what I was doing when she couldn't breathe. Choking her. She was just a girlfriend. I don't even want no more girlfriends, just me and my son and my Playstation. Go to work, see my son and play Playstation.


"If they catch me with another felony I'll never come home. "

Basically, my family turned against me, one said I was harassing her and I had a fight with my brother so you know I assaulted him, they just locked me up for that for both charges. I assaulted him. I hit him. And he hit me first, I mean he put his hands on me first so I basically I feel I was defending myself. And he, they never asked me oh are you defending yourself for that they just, oh he called the police on you he's pressing charges so they want to lock me up automatically. And I feel thats not right.

My girlfriend well she said that I threatened to kill her. So they locked me up for that just just for saying. They ain't got no proof or nothing they just said she said that I said I wanna kill her so they locked me up for that. People are crazy. I never hit her though. I never hit her. They just saying I threatened her and thats enough to lock me up. Yeah she got me real angry you know she said shes gonna throw my stuff out, she ripped up my coat and you know she threatened to call the police on me and tell um, so thats when I threatened her, but I didn't really mean it, you know I said oh yeah I'm know gonna go over there and beat you up if, if you call the Police on me. And they said yeah I tried to kill her they escalated it saying yeah I tried to kill her, this that and the other.

I've been locked up for drugs, selling drugs and um, basically selling drugs all my life, I've been locked in and out of jail and trying to clean myself up right now. I sell weed. I got too many felonies now, I got five felonies. If they catch me with another felony I'll never come home. I've been in jail in and out since i was sixteen. I just did a five year bit so you can say I've did about ten years all together. A year here, a year there.


"I was doing coke, weed, ecstasy, alcohol…"

I got arrested for selling to an undercover cop with my brother and I really did it to support my habits so really um they gave me a program and I've lasted three years and five days. When I got there I thought that wasn't gonna work out for me but in the long run it did work out for me because it made me a new a new person, you know because right now I don't have the access for me to be using drugs or none of that why because I want to succeed in life and I want to be positive. You know and I'm doing the right thing you know thanks to God you know thanks to my support network and basic you know, I'm just doing, I'm just trying to stay on the right path doing what I gotta do and that ain't much you know.

I was doing coke, weed, ecstasy, alcohol and on the long run I was really you know I was really you know is like I was like I was finishing myself on the long run I was doing myself wrong but thank god through the program you know I succeeded in life and woke up from where I was at and I noticed that none of that was helping me out. You know because I was doing that to really to forget my problems. On the long run after you know you get high and after the highness leaves you still have to deal with the problems like you know rent you know my kids you know problems like you know like I gotta pay light, cable all that you know it was really like ganging up on me and you know my apartment got burned down and it was like I was dealing with too much stuff you know so basically you know I was doing what I gotta do to support my family. But in the long run you know right now I got a job, I'm doing what I gotta do. You know I'm supporting myself and I'm keeping myself clean and sober.


"The shades are Valentino, six hundred…"

I'm here because the NYPD pulled me over for a trafficking violation and its like an harassment and this is the things you have to go through but its you know this is New York. You get tired of it but this is the every day fucking routine of the NYPD. And uhh you know this is my ninth time coming to court and their telling me again two weeks two weeks two weeks; its getting annoying you know. This is all for a traffic violation. You know I could be making a thousand dollars an hour. I work for a rap label, I don't have any time to be here. But this is what we have to do. ok.

I definitely have a BB Simon, six hundred, the shades are Valentino, six hundred, thats like twelve hundred and uh you know this is just to come to court, I gotta go through this. I mean you know the pictures you can check it out, examine it. Bring it to your nearest store. They'll tell you all about it. My belt is six hundred. My belt is BB Simon. Six Hundred dollars. I mean if if you can't afford leave it alone, get away from it. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


"…took my money and they they took me on the wrist."

I got caught with weed, 2 bags of weed. It was on 125th. St, coffee shop. I was using the bathroom. Thats when I put the weed in my hand and got caught. Yeah they saw me with the weed in my hand. Yeah they were watching me. Pat me down, took everything I had, took my money and they they took me on the wrist. Two dime bags of weed. They took me to the um the precinct on first before they brought me down here, took me to the precinct, take me down, pat me down take everything I had what belong to me, you know. After that they brought me down here. Yeah Yeah. Yeah they just released me. Yeah I've been in trouble before for the same thing. The weed. 2nd. time. Yeah.


"Then they started beatin' on him…"

This started by the cops, stopped me and my brother on the street for mistaken identity. They put us on the wall, tell us to put our hands up. I obeyed all the orders the cops gave me, put my hands on the wall and all of that. My brother, they kept pushing him, told him to put his hands on the wall, and he asked them a question, like "why's y'all stopping me?" And then they was like "get your hands on the wall, get your hands on the wall, don't say nothin'!" And he's like, "but why's y'all stoppin' me?" Then they took him, tossed him on the floor, then a couple cop cars rolled up, then they started beatin' on him, and started jumpin' him, so, like, kickin' him, and punchin' him, and I was like, "yo, y'all, chill, he's a little kid, he's only 18." And they was like, "shut up. Shut up. Stay on the wall." And it was like, they were gonna let me go, they were gonna let me go, and then I think it was the Captain, you know, the Captain? The top one? You know, the one with the white-collared shirt? Whatever they call him, anyway. He was like, "no, keep him near." Then some other guy across the street saw the, he witnessed the cops beatin' on my brother. So he said, "yo, yo, chill, what y'all doin'? What y'all doin'?" And they was like, "stop him!" They ran across the street, locked him up, said he, they caught him with a bag of weed, or somethin'. We all got locked up together and stayed in the bullpen, that's at bookings, for, like, three days. And we saw the judge, they released us on our own recognizance. Now, they said first it was menacing, we was, said me and my brother were in the store was menacing. We were scaring people, saying we, pretended we had a gun, like holdin' our hand under our shirt, somethin' like that. That's what they were saying at first, then they switched the story, said that we was harassing the cop. That ain't make no sense. My brother's case got dismissed, they were trying to say he was harassing the cop, too, but he got dismissed. Basically because he had a good lawyer. But I'm still going to court, but that's I'm about to go back to court, resume court at 2:15, see what the judge says and talk to the lawyer. They're still offering me two days community service. That's the funny thing, if I was harassing the cop, I know I would get a bigger offer than that. But, two days community service, that's what they offering, I'm trying to fight it.

Me and my brother got locked up, they brought us to Central Booking, we hadda go through the bullshit, anyway. The bullpen is really like a lotta people compressed in, you know what I'm sayin'? It's not really a nice place to be, it really stinks. Lotta bums, and a lotta people mixed together, so it's not a good place to be, but I was in there for, like, three days till I saw the judge. When I saw the judge, they released me and my brother. At least, just, 20, 25...packed up. There's a lotta cells.


"I'm a Misdemeanor Man"

I live in the Bronx. The reason why I'm here today is that I had a court appearance today. My sister and her daughter conspired to try to have me locked up for domestic violence. It stemmed from, it all revolves around greed. The part of greed is a brownstone house, property. So, I've been going through this for the last 7 years, back and forth to court, I have been in close to every courthouse around here. From Family Court, Housing Court, Criminal Court, Surrogates Court, you name it. Supreme Court. And the unfortunate thing is, I'm the middle man. The fight is not directed to me, personally, it's, I'm in the middle. The owner of the property passed away, him and his spouse passed away of old age. And, my sister and her husband, and whoever along with him, they continue, I guess, trying to steal this property. What they didn't, what they underestimated, me being blood relative, I would go along with it.

My niece, now, she must be about 29-years-old. I'm bringing that up, because 29 years ago, I used to change her diapers. So, now she's a B.A. degree and she figured she independent enough to lose respect to her elders. We had a kinda heated argument last week, Thursday, and I can say that I got the best of the argument. I got the best of the argument. What do sore losers do? They go for underhanded tricks. So, being she studying law, she figured that she know more about the law, she could have me arrested. For, supposedly, swinging a 2x4 at her. For the brownstone. No witnesses. So, the Legal Aid I just met, I like him, and from what I explained to him, he's all on board. He's on board, because it's gonna, I'm kinda cocky with this, but I know it can't go up because the truth prevails. I think so. But, she didn't say I beat her up, she said I wield a 2x4 at her. Because of the house, that's what it stem from. But, the reason why I came here is because I won the argument. I won the argument, so that's what sore losers do. They go for somethin', they go for the shortcut. This was supposed to be easy for me, because of my record. I got 13 arrests, all total, and I'm 50-years-old, I got 13 arrests, all totaled I might've spent a year off the street. A year off the street. All, 13, all together. All combined. So I'm a Misdemeanor Man. I'm a Misdemeanor Man, what they call. You know, I don't discriminate. From anywhere from going into abandoned building, taking scrap metal to hopping a train, and, what have you. Nothing violent. I wouldn't hurt nobody, I wouldn't even kill a fly. No violence on my record. No violence at all, so this right here is violent. This right here's a violent charge they're trying to pin on me. That's one thing about having a record, I mean, in my case, having a rap sheet, because it prove that I'm not a violent person. The charge is menacing. A misdemeanor. Another misdemeanor! I'm Misdemeanor Man! I hope this is the last one. I wanna retire. I wish I could go back to the number that comes before 1, which is zero, because it wasn't fun. And I'm not proud of it, but what it is is what it is!


"They said I assaulted my ex-girlfriend."

I'm here on assault charges which I obviously didn't do. All the assaults that I actually have done, I've never been to court for, but for once I get fucked over on this bullshit. I spent about three-and-a-half hours in here doing absolutely nothing, having my time wasted by the courts, it's absolutely absurd. And this is my fifth time here, and what I came here for today is just to get told to come back another time and to have a restraining order renewed. So, pretty much I had the court waste my time and a day's work.

They said I assaulted my ex-girlfriend. I was with her that day, I broke up with her that day. She said I picked her up and I slammed her on the floor, and she got bruises on her ass, she tripped that day. If I picked somebody up and slammed them, it would be on their neck, not on their ass. Or on their back. Who the hell picks somebody up and slams them on their ass to assault them? Do you know anybody?


"A comfortable, good, nice bra...hard to find."

Janet Braha. Uh-Huh! I stole a bra. I did. 'cause I wanted it, and I didn't have enough money. Actually, I'm not [the bra type,] it was very loose kinda bra, very comfortable, very tempting. I begged them for me to take it, but they wouldn't let me, they said I couldn't come back to the store for three more years. Urban Outfitters.

Sure, I would [do it again.] I had so much fun coming here to court, I met beautiful people, and I saw that it's not as bad as you think. They were all laughing, the whole time through, we were laughing, joking. Stay good, don't do bad things, you know? Do good things, don't steal.

I just needed one. That was a lacy, nice color, light blue one. I just liked it. They came to my house because I missed a court date because of the holiday, and they came to take me in. Knocked on my door and took me. Shavuot. See, now they're gonna say all these Jewish jokes about stealing. Cheapness. I'm giving my people a bad name by stealing. Yeah, I think so. I wanna do better. I wanna be a better human being.

I'm having a hard time with money. I'm having a custody battle for my children, they were taken from me by my ex-husband. And, I wouldn't steal normally. But things are getting hard to keep up with. A comfortable, good, nice bra...hard to find.


"…said that I was there buying drugs."

I live at *** West 80th St. I'm here for criminal trespassing in the 2nd degree. The building was supposed to be drug infested and I didn't know it, and my girlfriend lived there before, and I didn't know that she wasn't living there anymore, so I went in and they caught me when I came out and said that I was there buying drugs.

I did [do drugs] years ago. Crack cocaine. 22 years. I stopped, I just turned my life over to Christ, and everything is much better now. So, the cops turn around and say "ah, come on, tell me another story." I said "what story can I tell? I mean, my ex-girlfriend used to live here, if you don't believe me, that's on you." And then they turn around and put the cuffs on me, and then when I got to the precinct, they'll say, they turn around and say maybe they'll try to get me a DAT, which they did. They get me a Desk Appearance Ticket, and then I took that, then I had to appear today in court. I don't know if I'm gonna do time or what for that, because I have prior convictions. Drugs. Possession.


"They think they can get away with doing voodoo."

I was arrested last night for, well, actually, yesterday, for graffiti. The reason why I was doing graffiti is because me and my husband—I'm a rap artist, I'm a singer, and I'm a politician—people are trying to kill me and my husband for no reason. I look horrible right now because I was in jail. People are just setting me and my husband up for no reason. I look horrible, I know that right now. My husband's name is Jonathan. My husband is Puerto Rican, Italian, and Cuban. I'm Puerto Rican and Italian. My father is 100% Italian. Yesterday I was at a press conference with Senator Klein. I know Congresswoman Nydia, I know President Bush. I'm in politics. No, I'm not an Assemblywoman. No, I'm not a Congresswoman. I'm studying politics because my dream is to become President in the future between the ages of 55 and 60. That's when I want to run for the presidency. You know what I'm saying? So, I've been studying political science to try to do this, you know what I'm saying? I'm a rap artist, I'm a singer, my name is JuJu Red Jazz. They call me "Psycho Red," "Judy Murder." I've been putting graffiti up on the wall to protect me and my husband, Jonathan. Well, actually, I've been tagging up our names on the wall so everybody would know who he is and everybody would know who I am. By the Boys and Girls Club in the Lower East Side. It's good. I'm a good artist, yes sir.

I went to court, and what happened was they gave me, they told me to plead guilty to disorderly conduct, which I did. I pleaded guilty and what happened was that, well, they gave me community service, and they told me that I'm not going to have a criminal record because they know I'm a politician. So, once I do my two days of community service, the case is dropped and everything is back to normal and I can continue with my political career. You know what I mean? I'm working real hard to succeed in politics, and people have lied about me and lied about my husband, Jonathan, to destroy our lives and our reputation for no reason. No, Jonathan isn't a politician, I'm trying to get Jonathan to go to school to study politics, you know what I mean? That's what I want for him. Jonathan is a good man, I love him very much, I cherish him, he means the world to me.

But the point is that there's a lot of things that are going on, there's a lot, being that I want to be President in the future I find out the truth about everything at all times, you know, there's a lot of people out there that I want you to know, that are doing voodoo. You know what I'm saying? They think they can get away with doing voodoo. No, I don't do voodoo. I believe in cleansing myself. I cleanse myself every day and I cleanse my husband every day. With a lot of things. Well, actually there is soap to cleanse you.

I haven't taken a shower, so pardon me.

My husband's name is Jonathan Jay Murder, he's a rap artist. There's a lot of confusion of what's going on, and who we are. My husband is innocent, my husband is a good man, he's very loved. But there's a lot of people that are trying to turn people against my husband, and a lot of people trying to turn people against me. For example, in my lifetime, I know this is a little bit personal, but I have to say the truth, my husband Jonathan Jay Murder, which I love, cherish, and adore, he de-virginized me. I've known Jonathan since the fourth grade. Jonathan Jay Murder is a good man, he's a rap artist, he's very talented, he's very smart, he's very ambitious, very career-oriented, very goal-oriented, he's a great man, and I believe he's a genius. His intelligence level is very, very great, and my intelligence level is

I may look like shit right now, but when I dress up and do my hair, and everything, I look very elegant, very classy. But my dream is to keep studying politics and run for the presidency when I get older. I have a lot of good people on my side. Congresswoman Nydia, she's a great woman, I know people at City Hall in a couple of states, I know people at City Hall in New York, I know people in the Brooklyn Borough President's office, I know people in the Bronx, two Borough Presidents, and I know Senator Klein...he has great ideas, very good person. So I'm gonna continue studying politics, political science, and continue with my political career.

I'm not gonna say that I'm gonna win, but I can say that I'm gonna try my hardest, because I have a lot of great ideas on a lot of different things, and I think I can make a difference and make a change, a better change in the world. A lot of presidents, they become presidents, but, it's like, you need a good leader in the White House. You need a leader that people will listen to. You need a leader that people will understand. A leader that's gonna make a difference and a change, someone that can stop things from happening, someone that can make a change within society. Someone that can bring peace, someone that can actually stop the bullshit that's going on. I feel that I'm qualified for that.

Judy Guadaloupe Schiller Perez Aversa

"I can't go into the store without being accused of stealing…"

I am here at 100 Centre St. to pay a fine. B............., has a habit of accosting clients, people that are going there to shop, and this is my second or third time being accused of something that I didn't do. I picked something up, and I went to take it to the security, and one of the guards, the undercover guards stopped me. And I asked her "what," and she said to give my, the bracelet back, and it was a bracelet that I had found on the floor. Now, adding salt to my wound, they sent me out a letter from a law firm stating that I need to pay, let's see, it says here "B............. has a civil course of action against [me]," and that the letter demands that I pay "$360 in satisfaction of this civil matter. This is not an attempt to collect debt. If you do not believe that you are the person responsible for payment of this claim, please notify the law firm in 30 days," and I have. But they do it to everyone and anyone. The last one was for $500 and I did pay it, because I did not want to be harassed but now it's getting to the point that it's just crazy. I can't go into the store without being accused of stealing, or taking merchandise, or exchanging merchandise. Oh, oh, oh, and they also say that if you pass a few registers with merchandise, I had a wallet in my hand that I had first intended to buy, and then when I saw the price of $460, I decided not to. So, I went to, I was going to the department where I picked it up, which was clothing, and that's when they said that because I didn't pay at the other two registers that I stopped in, one was I bought a pair of pants that were $460, Diane Von Furstenbergs, and a sweater that I wanted to exchange, and, and the wallet. I just didn't think I was doing anything wrong. She says I should've handed it in to any register. I was just taking it to the, you know, the register that it belonged to, the department.

No, it's happened to other people, too.

By trade I'm a governess. I've worked for millionaires, billionaires, matter of fact the person whose clothes I was buying, Diane Von Furstenberg, I used to be the governess to her grandchildren. There's no need for me to take anything that doesn't belong to me. I have money to pay for anything I want, I mean I did pay $460 for pants, and I think I've worn them twice, so it's not me, it's them. Because when they catch a thief, they get a commission. And that's standard in a lot of stores, depending upon how much the person stole, they get a commission on the amount. The store, the store and the security guard gets a commission. So, yeah. I would pick up anybody, accuse them of anything, and it's their bullying over me, and so, it just...it's gonna make me money. Doesn't matter that it might ruin someone's career, or their life, it, it's that they wanna make the commission.


"All I know was I had the handcuffs on me."

Um, what I did was I was being a good samaritan and I let a passenger on the train without, you know, accepting money. Um, I was coming from my outpatient program and, uh, a, a person was asking for help on 125th Street. I let him on the train and as soon as I go through the train station, I mean, the turnstile after I swipe him, the officers they was like, you know what we can't or actually they said "come here." So what I did was I turned around and I asked no quest--, I mean I asked no questions, they said "yo, look, show me ID." I showed them ID, I showed they my job ID, my security job ID. Um, and they basically ran my, um, background. I have no warrants or anything, but they said I was not permitted to, uh, give a swipe to a, a customer. So what happened was they had me waiting in the back room and I asked them what was going on. All I know was I had the handcuffs on me. Next thing you know I was being transported from 125th Street to 14th Street. I sat in the cell for at like least a good eight or nine hours and then I got transported from there to 1 Centre Street where I had sat in the cell for at least two days. Um, currently I'm on probation, um, it's just, it's just crazy because you can't do anything to help the next person out without getting in trouble for it. So, um, I kinda like, I'm dealing with the situation the best that I can so trying not to get in any further trouble from my past history. That's basically all I can say, it's just ridiculous.


" I just know her by her nickname "Cookie"."

I live up in the Bronx. Uh I got incarcerated for going to a young ladies house on the lower east side oh about a month and a half ago. I had met her about a week before and we had hung out and had drinks and she invited me up to her house the week after, I bought a bottle of vodka, I had a couple of glasses, a bottle of Red, you know a can of Red Bull I go into the building I get buzzed in. I go up to the tenth floor which i should have been going to the eleventh floor when I got out on the tenth floor little did I know the Police were having a sting operation because evidently there is a lot of drug dealing in that particular building on Fourteenth and between First and A and they said since I was there and I didn't know the young ladies full name I just know her by her nickname "Cookie". I didn't know her actual full name, right they arrested me for criminal trespassing and they held me overnight and i had to sit in court and I finally got everything dismissed today but this is the fourth time coming down here, at least it got dismissed and I have no record, so thats a good thing.


"Is that justice?"

Last night, uh, uh, uh a taxi cab on Jane Street in the city, I was sitting on a stoop, stairs and a New York City taxi cab stopped in front of where I was sitting and three un-uniformed police officers got out and they asked me my name and I gave them my identification but apparently it came back active as if I had an active warrant. In December of 2004 I was homeless on the streets of New York and I was caught sleeping in Central Park after closing time and that's, ah, and that's why I'm here, that's why I don't have any cigarettes or a lighter. You know, ah, being subjected to the cops here is brutal, verbally I feel, I feel, I feel wronged. In 1991 I was going to Harvard University full scholarship and five months after I started my Harvard career my best friend since second grade, while I was sleeping, he attacked me with a cast iron frying pan sixty-five to eighty-five times in the head, broke all of my facial bones, I died twice that day and had a trachea, feeding tubes; I lost two-hundred and fifty pounds. I'm blind in my right eye because of skull fragments pushing into my optic nerve and it severed it. i cannot taste or smell anything for the rest of my life. He plead guilty to the charges of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. He got six months probation, not one minute in jail. Is that justice?


"I didn't have a gun, I had two knives…"

I'm down here for a disposition, um, the case was, it was because I was on a train station going home and I asked a train conductor how to get there, they, um, they cursed me out, so I guess I cursed him out, uh, then they called cops on me and the cops came, arrested me, uh, they said I had a gun on me, which I didn't have a gun, I had two knives, then the conductor said, he said that I threatened him with a knife too, after the knife came out, and, um, right now I'm here to get a disposition so I can get my job back.


"Feelin' me? "

I'm here for a court case. A court case. That's it. Just for they thought I robbed somebody, and that was it. And then they came out innocent so I'm going home now to celebrate. That's about it, though. No, I didn't rob nobody. I didn't rob nobody, I'm innocent. That's why I'm going home now, I'm not locked up. I've been in this court case since December and now I'm going home. That's about it. Feelin' me? I'm free. You know, I...I'm like Denzel Washington, American Gangster.
