"You feel big, you feel like you're on top."

I got arrested for graffiti in May, so I'm coming here now for community service. I do graffiti, used to do graffiti for the fame, friends, I dunno. For the rush too, that's pretty much it. It's like you feel like you're all-star, like everyone loves you. You feel big, you feel like you're on top. They do it for the rush and the fame. To get there you have to go all city. Have something in every borough. All city that's what it's called. Bombings, fillings, tags. Bombing is pretty much just the act of it. Going out at night, in a car or on foot, just having cans on you and doing fillings, tags, whatever. You gotta be all city. You have to have tags, fillings, everything in every borough, everywhere. (I was) a little below all city. I was up there for awhile. Maybe 20 or 30 maybe, out of thousands of kids that do it. If you go around and see this guy somewhere and you go to Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, you see them everywhere then you just know.

I was thinking about Marines, Navy. I'm not sure yet though. Being out at night, you're more aware of what's going on, you're listening to things so you can probably use that in the military, be more aware of your surroundings. If you heard something you be instincts, you'd be more aware of what's going on. You'd be a better shot. Doing graffiti would like make you a like a better shot, because you're more aware of your surroundings at night and more aware of what's going on and you have better reflexes.

I'm not doing it anymore, I'm done.
